Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Collection - Inspirational phrases for motivation Part 2

10 tips a day!

1.Attack every problem with enthusiasm as if your survival depended on it.
2.Decide on your goal in life, then concentrate on getting there.
3. Be an achiever by meeting deadlines and making things happen.
4. Develop a desire for goal, out of fire of desire comes sucess.
5.Did not tell me how hard you work; tell me how much you get done.
6. Develop a reputation for yourself by giving your best shot in everything that you do.
Reputation breeds success.
7. Don't count the days ... make the days count.
8.Develop a sense of urgency in all things that you do. Speed is everything.
9. Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.
10. Do not follow where the path may lead. Go where there is no path and leave a trail.

Hidup terlalu indah untuk disia-siakan!
Maka jangan di sia-siakan setiap detik , setiap saat hidup anda.
Gunakan sepenuhnya...
- untuk mendapat kesejahteraan hidup..
- untuk dapatkan bahagia
- untuk dapatkan hidayah ..
dan tentunya
- untuk dapat redha Allah!

Sekian dari CG Fuziah.

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