Friday, February 6, 2009

My Collection - Inspirational phrases for motivation Part I

10 Tips a day..

1. Today's preparation determines tomorrow's achievements.
2. A leader is one who dares to take the plunge, while others hesitate.
3. A smile cost nothing but when it comes to service...means everyting.
4. Accept the challenges, so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.
5. Always tell yourself ... Tomorrow is a brand new day.
6. Adapting a right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.
7. Always think two steps ahead of your competition.
8.Always look out for opportuinities to give someone a helping hand. You never know when you
will need one.
9. Ambition - there is nothing like a dream to help you plan your future.
10. Decide exactly what you want out of life, then work vry hard to get it.

Sekadar buat Renungan ...

Peringatan buat Yang Lupa ..

CINTAILAH orang yang engkau kasihi itu sekadarnya..
kerana barangkali ia akan menjadi orang yang engkau BENCI suatu hari kelak.


BENCILAH orang yang engkau benci itu sekadarnya..
kerana barangkali ia akan menjadi orang yang engkau kasihi suatu hari nanti.

Petikan dpd: Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd.

SEKIAN dari CG Fuziah.

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