Apa Enzim Bromelain? 12 Manfaat & 4 Efek Samping Bromelain

Bromelain adalah enzim protease yang ditemukan dalam nanas (Ananas comosus) yang termasuk dalam keluarga tanaman Bromeliaceae.
Bromelain terutama ditemukan di bagian batang nanas. Strukturnya terutama terdiri dari protease sistein.
Bromelain juga mengandung amilase, selulase, asam fosfatase, dan asam peroksidase dalam jumlah yang sangat kecil.
Enzim ini memiliki kemampuan menguraikan struktur kompleks protein sehingga lebih mudah diserap tubuh.Agar aktif, bromelain memerlukan suhu optimum antara 50 °C sampai 60 °C dan pH pada kisaran 3,0-8,0.
Untuk mempermudah mengkonsumsi, bromelain juga tersedia dalam bentuk suplemen.
Bromelain pertama kali diekstrak pada tahun 1891 dan diperkenalkan sebagai suplemen terapi pada tahun 1957.
Manfaat Kesehatan
Berikut adalah manfaat kesehatan bromelain:1. Bromelain efisien menjaga kesehatan jantung karena mengurangi pembentukan abnormal bekuan darah dan terjadinya plak di arteri.
2. Bromelain memiliki sifat anti-koagulan yang membantu mengurangi pembentukan gumpalan darah beku dalam pembuluh darah sehingga mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung.
3. Karena kemampuannya memecah protein, bromelain berguna memecah protein dalam jaringan yang bengkak sehingga mengurangi kejang otot.
4. Karena sifat analgesik dan anti-inflamasi, bromelain bermanfaat untuk pasien rematik. Enzim ini meningkatkan penyerapan sulfur dan glukosamin yang penting untuk memperbaiki sendi.
5. Dalam kasus ligamen robek, bromelain membantu mempercepat pemulihan sekaligus mengurangi pembengkakan dan rasa sakit.
6. Penyakit kulit yang berhubungan dengan peradangan kulit atau sensasi rasa gatal seperti pruritus dapat secara efektif disembuhkan dengan bromelain.
7. Bromelain juga digunakan dalam produk untuk menyembuhkan luka bakar pada kulit sekaligus menghilangkan sel-sel kulit mati.
8. Sifat anti-inflamasi bromelain membantu menyingkirkan akumulasi lendir pada saluran pernapasan bagian atas sehingga mengurangi risiko penyakit seperti sinusitis dan bronkitis.
9. Bromelain membantu menyembuhkan penyakit Peyroni dengan memecah kolagen yang bertanggung jawab pada pembentukan jaringan parut.
11. Studi menemukan bahwa bromelain mampu mengurangi aktivitas sel kanker. Pada beberapa hewan, bromelain efektif mengobati beberapa bakteri dan virus secara efektif.
12. Penelitian juga menunjukkan bromelain berguna sebagai pengobatan untuk gangguan autoimun dan mengobati infeksi saluran kemih.
Efek Samping Bromelain
Overdosis suplemen bromelain, yang tersedia dalam bentuk tablet dan kapsul, dapat mengakibatkan berbagai efek samping, diantaranya:1. Gangguan gastrointestinal
Ini adalah efek samping paling umum yang dialami akibat overdosis bromelain.
Efek samping meliputi mual, muntah, diare, palpitasi, gangguan pencernaan, kehilangan nafsu makan, sakit kepala, nyeri otot, pusing, mengantuk, dan kelesuan.
Wanita dapat mengalami pendarahan rahim dan menstruasi berat. Itu sebab, disarankan orang dengan ulkus peptikum tidak mengonsumsi bromelain dalam bentuk apapun.
Orang dengan gangguan pencernaan juga harus berkonsultasi dengan dokter sebelum menggunakan bromelain.
2. Reaksi alergi
Bromelain bisa memicu alergi kulit yang meliputi gatal-gatal, ruam kulit, dan pembengkakan kulit.
Selain itu, seseorang juga dapat menderita masalah pernapasan dan tenggorokan terasa sesak.
3. Pendarahan berat
Bromelain secara teoritis mampu meningkatkan aliran darah. Jadi, orang yang menderita kelainan darah atau kelainan perdarahan dianjurkan tidak mengkonsumsi bromelain.
Bromelain juga tidak boleh diambil dua sampai tiga minggu sebelum operasi gigi dan operasi medis lain.
Hindari pemakaian bromelain saat hamil dan menyusui. Orang yang menderita penyakit hati dan penyakit ginjal juga harus menghindarinya.
4. Interaksi obat
Orang yang mengonsumsi pengencer darah atau obat antikoagulan dan anti platelet seperti warfarin, aspirin, heparin, bisulfat clopidogrel, ibuprofen, naproxen, dll dapat mengalami beberapa efek samping bromelain.
Efek samping bromelain juga terlihat pada orang yang mengonsumsi obat herbal seperti ginkgo biloba dan bawang putih.
Obat kemoterapi, antibiotik, obat tekanan darah tinggi, lorazepam benzodiazepin, diazepam, dan antidepresan juga dapat berinteraksi dengan suplemen bromelain.[]
The Health Benefits of Bromelain
Originally isolated in the late 1800s, bromelain can play a key role in digestion, and perhaps more importantly, its properties have prompted many practitioners to use it as an agent in wound healing and the prevention of illness and irritation decades.
What Does Bromelain Do?
Put simply, bromelain breaks down protein. This has fairly obvious benefits when you consider that many of the foods you eat contain high amounts of protein and they have been thoroughly cooked, destroying most of the naturally occurring enzymes. As a proteolytic enzyme, it assists the body’s own digestive mechanisms in reducing very large, complex protein molecules into smaller peptide units or individual amino acids.These smaller components are crucial for your own production of muscle, neurotransmitters, and other protein-based molecules that your body produces. Many of bromelain’s benefits; however, are actually based on absorption of the intact enzyme in the small intestine; it is this absorption makes possible its systemic effects such as reducing redness
.The Health Benefits of Bromelain
Traditionally societies in South America have used pineapples to reduce digestive upset and reduce irritation. Here are some of the other amazing health benefits of this enzyme, as well as the studies that support the benefits of bromelain:
1. Swelling and Redness
Bromelain was approved in Europe as an effective remedy for swelling after surgery. Research shows that the bromelain enzyme may lower swelling, stop bruising, speed up healing time, and reduce discomfort in individuals following surgical procedures. One double-blind study of over 150 women who received episiotomies (surgical cuts in the perineum) during childbirth, found that women given large servings of oral bromelain over a period of 3 days, beginning 4 hours after delivery, showed a huge decrease in swelling, and discomfort. Ninety percent of women taking the supplement showed excellent recovery compared to 44% of women in the placebo group.2. Sinus Discomfort
Bromelain is one of the most popular supplements in European countries such as Germany, where it is commonly used for sinus discomfort. Some research suggests that bromelain was effective at reducing discomfort and swelling.3. Topical Applications for Burns
Due to its beneficial properties, bromelain is currently being studied for topical applications for burns. Recent lab studies on animals show that bromelain helps slough off dead tissue from third-degree burns. Other studies show its effective topical use in people with second- and third-degree burns.4. Insect Bites and Stings
Bromelain may be applied topically to lower swelling and reduce discomfort associated with insect bites and stings.5. Reduced Swelling After Sports Injuries
Studies show that bromelain may speed up healing time after a physical or sports injury. Taking it has been linked to reduced swelling related to sprains, strains, bruises, and other minor muscle injuries.6. Osteoarthritis
Bromelain may also help relieve mild discomfort related to osteoarthritis. In fact, it is a common ingredient in most natural supplements for sore joints and muscles.7. Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids
This enzyme has been used in alternative medicine to promote cardiovascular health and hemorrhoids and other conditions of the veins.8. Sinusitis
There are several studies that suggest bromelain may help reduce coughing and lessen mucus related to sinusitis, as well as reduce the swelling and redness that accompany hay fever. The German Commission E approved the bromelain enzyme for aiding imbalances of the ear, nose, and throat that occur after surgery. It is also approved for reducing general sinus infection swelling.9. Indigestion and Heartburn
Because of its protease capacities, this enzyme may reduce indigestion and heartburn. Studies show that it is particularly effective when used in combination with other enzymes like amylase (which digests carbohydrates) and lipase (which digests fat). Other studies show its ability to reduce bloating, gas and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.10. Helps Balance the Acidity of the Stomach
Research shows that Bromelain can help balance the acidity of the stomach, as well as the alkalinity of the small intestine. A recent lab study confirms that this enzyme may help ease harmful organism related diarrhea. Another study suggests that it may be an up-and-coming natural remedy for IBD (inflammatory bowel disease)11. May Boost Overall Immune Strength
Bromelain may boost overall immune strength in the human body. One German clinical study of 16 breast cancer patients found that oral supplementation of bromelain could help stimulate immune function in women. Other studies suggest that it may also boost the amount of certain immune system hormones, called cytokines (made in our white blood cells). Recent studies suggest that bromelain may help relieve some of the standard cancer side effects related to lowered immunity.12. May Stop Blood Platelets From Clotting
Several laboratory and animal studies suggest that bromelain may stop blood platelets from clotting. This is exciting research in the direction of its effects on heart health.13. Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Urinary Tract Infections
Animal studies suggest that bromelain possesses action against harmful organisms, and it may be effective for ailments resulting from their presence.Understanding the Units of Measurement for Bromelain on a supplement label
Bromelain is a plant-source Protease whose activity is measured in PU (Papain Units). One FCC-PU (Plant Proteolytic Analytical Method) is defined in the assay as that quantity of enzyme that liberates the equivalent of 1 µg (microgram) of tyrosine per hour under the conditions of the assay. This procedure also determines the proteolytic activity of ficin and bromelain. It is based on a 60-minute proteolytic hydrolysis of a casein substrate at pH 6.0 and 40°C. Soluble casein is then measured spectrophotometrically at 280nm. The FCC notation stands for Foods Chemical Codex and is a division of USP (United States Pharmacopeia). It sets standards for ingredients. In the case of enzymes, FCC is a standard assay used to accurately determine the activity of enzymes. The current compendium is FCC VI.Bromelain can be standardized on supplement labels as gelatin digesting units (GDU/gram), milk clotting units (MCU), Rorer units (RU), Bromelain Tyrosine Units (BTU/ gram), Casein Digestion Units (CDU/mg) or FIP units.
Example: Bromelain at 1000 GDU/g would be equal to a 15,000,000 FCC PU/g potency.
Where Can I Find The Best Source of Bromelain?
VeganZyme® is the most advanced full-spectrum systemic and digestive enzyme formula in the world and is free from fillers and toxic compounds. This formula contains digestive enzymes, which help digest fats (lipids), sugars, proteins, carbohydrates, gluten, fruits and vegetables, cereals, legumes, bran, nuts and seeds, soy, dairy, and all other food sources.VeganZyme contains a 100% vegan form of Bromelain extracted from the pineapple (Ananas comosus). It comes from all vegetarian, non-GMO sources, is kosher certified, gluten free, contains no animal product and is completely suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
VeganZyme may also be used as a systemic enzyme blend to break down excess mucus, fibrin, various toxins, allergens, as well as excess clotting factors throughout your body.
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