Thursday, May 21, 2009

Basic ways to Reduce Stress..

Welcome back... Rindu hendak menulis..
Just to share things out..

Basic Ways to reduce Stress...

1. Identify situations that require your attention. It is essential to let go of problems
which you can do nothing about, reserving energy for other in your life where you can react

2. Exercise. By exercising you burn off nervous energy and increase endorphins in your
brain (less release of andrenaline - the stress hormone..!!). At least.. you are doing
something which keep you healthy. Betulkan..BETUL.

3. Learn just to say "No" .. at times. . You cant be be everything to everyone all the time...
You need time out once in a while... ... Kena sayang diri sendiri dulu .. baru sayang
yang lain.. setuju ..??.. SETUJU.
Often, our stress comes from trying to do many things in too short time. If you
honestly don'thave the time, respectfully decline... but not always kut.. Try to do things one
at a time .. dalam keadaan tenang..and say.. Insyaallah I can do it....But never give up.. Okay.

4. Stop smoking, drinking and overeating... cos nicotine acts as stimulant that increases
stress. Drinking and overeating can cause additional problems ( of course problems ..
my dear).. So always fill your body with nutrition that gives you energy to cope with stress.

How to release stress ??...

There is no shortage in everyday life. However there are many ways to reduce or minimise stress. Here are just a few practical suggestions.

  • Meditation
  • Relaxation
  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • Music
  • Gardening
  • Video games

Have to stop here.. to be continued...ok.

Audios. Bye.

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