Monday, February 9, 2009

My Collection - Inspirational phrases for motivation Part 4

10 tips a day!

1. In life, what sometimes appears to be the end is really a new begining.
2.It is not how hard you work; it is how much you get done.
3. In life, wemust help each other. It is better to co-operate than to compete.
4.It is not the big things you do for your clients that make you successful. Its the small things.
5. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
6. Life is like a roller coaster. There are times when you are up, and times when you are down.
You can either dread the journey or learn to enjoy every moment of it. The choice is yours.
7.It is amazing what you can achieve if you believe you can.
8. Limitations live in your minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become
9. It is not the changes we take. It's the choice we mkae that determines our destiny.
10. Live each day as if it your last, and you find each day worth living for.

Oleh itu .. hidup mesti diteruskan walaupun terlalu banyak onak dan duri yang terpaksa di tempuhi. Manisnya kehidupan adalah bila kita dapat mengatasi setiap rintangan yang mendatang dengan penuh senyuman ikhlas. Betul.. tentu betul.

Sekian dari sifu Fuziah.

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