Friday, February 20, 2009

Motivational phrases for a day..for more

1. Your attitude almost always determines your attitude in life.
2. Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but does'nt get you anywhere.
3. A STREAM always succeeds in forging its own way to the ocean, overcoming all obstacles in
its path. With vision and preserverence, so too can we achieve our desired success.
4.A pioneer is one who dares to venture into uncharted territories.
5.Always aim for the sky... for if you fail, at least you can reach the clouds.
6.Aim high. Aim for excellence.
7.EXCELLENCE: GOOD is not enough, BETTER is expected and BEST is possible.
8.Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
9.If at first you don,t succeed, don't give up. You will make it sooner or later... as long you keep
on trying.
10. Attitude is contagious. Pass it on.
11.If the word QUIT is part of your vocabulary, the word FINISH is probably not.
12. DEADLINES are important. Greet them and meet them.
13. If you show enthusiasim in all things you do, work should be less of a stress.
14.Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try.
15. If you want to suceed, try a new direction rather than the well-worn paths of others.
16.Every man is the ARCHITECT of his own future.
17.In order to succed, do not always follow in the path of others.
18. How far is far, how high is high? we will never know until we try.
19. In search of your pot of GOLD, hard work is required. There is no short cut to success.
20. How you feel tomorrow depends on what you do today.

Adious. Sifu Fuziah.

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